Friday, May 29, 2015

Prostitutes need love!

Life is so unpredictable at times and at times exciting as hell. I was chatting with random strangers on a chat engine called Omegle yesterday. That's how lonely our overcrowded planet has got, that people now try to connect over the internet and trust random strangers with their problems than sharing their feelings with their near and dear ones, lest they be hurt, mocked or judged!

I have chatted with people who do drugs, people who work as strip dancers and then yesterday I had the chance to chat up with a prostitute. Her life appears to be pathetically sad, but to me it appeared as though she was a happily caged prisoner of her life. I did not do much to upset that.

After counselling a crazy amount of people on relationships, abuse and the likes, I asked her if she feels the need for love cos in her case, sex is in return for monetary gains and barred from the usual mating games and the romance a normal date would entail. Her answer surprised me, she said sometimes she was attracted to the men that came to her. Sometimes these men who came to here were screwed up as hell themselves and came to her hoping for a release.

Having a dialogue with the clients was entirely her choice, something that she got used to and probably likes it that they don't talk much. When asked if she was in love ever, she replied that she had this one customer who would come to her daily and had become a loyal lover of sorts. It was a bit weird to me, having known that men are possessive in love, so I asked her if he did not have any issue with her choice of profession? She answered it in a rhetoric manner that love is blind and when it happens, you don't think all this, and your lover gets your undivided affection regardless of how wrong or right they are.

I probed a bit further and asked her if the guy was still around? I got to know that he was a cancer patient and passed away last year, and ever since she felt heartbroken. I asked her, if she was willing to fall in love again. She was silent. And I let that silence persist.

I thought to myself, how funny life is really, we fall in love without calculating; and possessing that object of our love is triggered by our insecurity of loosing it and so we do everything to secure it. We secure it with a marriage, announcement of being together or a publicly declared engagement. When we fall out of love, after we kill it with all the necessities of an idealistic relationship, we start cancelling the certificates and hope that the next person to come will come fix it all. When we fall in it we don't quite give a damn about anything and when we seal it for security the social template starts bothering us.

I don't believe in the institution of marriage anymore, frankly speaking, because it takes two people who are truly in love to stay married, not those who are faking care and concern because that is what the society demands. From where I see it, I think its just another societal template, that shames true freedom and supports cowardice and tolerance of lies because of the attributable shame!

Until then! This free minded Bodhisattva hopes you are happy!

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